Express Pharma

10th Nutra India Summit


Date: March 18 -19, 2015
Venue: Mumbai

Summary: The event will be organised by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), International Society for Nutraceuticals, Nutritionals and Naturals (ISNNaN) and MM ACTIV Sci Tech Communications and supported by International Organisations and leading industry. Dr V Prakash, FRSC, Distinguished Scientist of CSIR-INDIA; Vice President, International Union of Nutritional Science (IUNS) is the chairman of the summit.

The Nutra India Summit will see a congregation of nutrition, nutraceuticals, dietary supplements, functional foods and health foods industry in India.

The key highlights of the 10th Nutra India Summit will be international conference, NuFFooDS Expo, highlight talks, Nutra Excellence Awards, doctors and nutritionists forum and poster session ‘Walkway of Discovery’.

Contact Details:
Niket Donde
MM Activ,
160, Kaliandas Udyog Bhavan,
Babasaheb Woralikar Marg,
Near Century Bazaar,
Mumbai – 400 025 (India)
Tel: +91 22 2438 5007–9,
Fax: +91 22 2437 9882
Mob: +91 098208 59902
Email: [email protected]

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