Express Pharma

NovaGuard® SA Pro Safety System – The Path to Safe Injection

7th October 2021 | 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM IST | Live Webinar

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Speakers in this video:
+ Rob Limouze, Director, Product Management, Devices, West Pharmaceutical Services Ltd
+ Milagro E. Lopez, Director, Segment Mktg, Generics, West Pharmaceutical Services Ltd

+ Viveka Roychowdhury, Editor, Express Pharma & Express Healthcare

Watch to know more on:
+ Selecting a PFS safety device with manufacturing capability
+ Understand the need for safety devices and some of the laws, directives and regulations aimed at helping to reduce needlestick injuries among healthcare workers
+ Learn about the PFS market and Regulations around the world
+ Understand product solutions and technology available today to prevent needle-stick injuries and regulations around it
+ Know about West’ recent product enhancements and extensions

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