Address by Chief Guest: Mr Raja Bhanu, Director General, Pharmexcil

FDD Conclave 2024 | Day 1 | 19th July 2024 | Hyderabad

In this video:
Address by Chief Guest – Mr Raja Bhanu, Director General, Pharmexcil

Key Highlights:

[1] India has proved its mettle as the “Pharmacy of the World.” Government budget allocations have encouraged growth in the sector.

[2] Quality and affordability of drugs are India’s USPs.

[3] Exports increased from USD 17.3 billion (2017-18) to USD 27.85 billion (2023-24) with a CAGR of 8.25%. Exports are projected to reach USD 55 billion by 2030.

[4] India has proven its global capabilities beyond generics. New focus areas include biosimilars, biological entities, and complex generics.

[5] Now, there is significant competition from neighboring countries. We need to optimise our strengths and mitigate our limitations with new technologies.

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