AYUSH Industry ready to be integrated with Public Health Delivery and Innovation: Dr Manoj Nesari, Advisor, Ministry of AYUSH

Nesari made the statement during an interactive webinar hosted by PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry, AYUSH Committee
AYUSH Industry ready to be integrated with Public Health Delivery and Innovation: Dr Manoj Nesari, Advisor, Ministry of AYUSH

PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry, AYUSH Committee organized an interactive webinar on ‘Ayurvedic Wisdom for Global Health During Covid-19 Period’ on 25th June 2020.

The panellists present during the virtual webinar were Dr Manoj Nesari, Advisor, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, PadmabhushanVd. Triguna Ji, President, All India Ayurvedic Congress (AIAC), Dr J.L.N Sastry, CEO, National Medicinal Plants Boards, Pradeep Multani, Vice President, PHD Chamber, Arvind Varchaswi, Chairman, AYUSH Committee, PHD Chamber, Saurabh Sanyal, Secretary General, PHD Chamber and the session was moderated by Vivek Seigell, Principal Director, PHD Chamber.

Padmabhushan Vd. Triguna Ji, President, All India Ayurvedic Congress (AIAC) and AMAM reminded the audience that the PM said that we should focus on ayurvedic products which are available across the globe and based on which the immunity building advisories were released by the Ministry of AYUSH. He added that this pandemic has taught us various aspects of life and how to tackle the same. He said there’s a need to invent new and good quality products, which could help us in fighting with COVID-19 situation. Trigunaji also requested everyone to come forward in promoting the Ayurvedic system globally.

Dr Manoj Nesari, Advisor, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India shared his various thoughts and shared the details of the advisory issued by the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. Dr Nesari said recently the AYUSH Sector was considered in essential services. This shows the significance of the entire AYUSH system which could be integrate in public Health delivery. He also urged various industries to come forward and work in innovation of medicines like medicine for carrying oxygen capacity which will be a revolution and the AYUSH system will able to showcase its strengths. He also said the Industry should come forward in establishing Ayurvedic colleges overseas, e.g., in Russia, United States, where there’s a huge demand of Yoga and Ayurveda.

Dr Nesari further said that there’s a need for Research and development, which will play an essential role to take the entire AYUSH system ahead globally. He said the Ministry of AYUSH has taken various steps in tackling the COVID-19 problem and many advisories in this regard were issued.

Dr J.L.N Sastry, CEO, National Medicinal Plants Boards thanked all the panelists and delegates for joining the webinar on Ayurvedic wisdom. Dr Sastry also shared various aspects of the AYUSH system and thanked the entire industry for working together during COVID-19 period.

Pradeep Multani, Vice President, PHD Chamber during this presidential address welcomed all the Panelists for joining the webinar and talked about the significance of Ayurveda which could help in various ways to fight against COVID-19 Pandemic. Multani further added that a crisis like outbreak of coronavirus provides an opportunity to revisit the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda for prevention of diseases through improved immunity and combine it with Western science for a holistic healthy living.This is the right time. When there’s a high consciousness in society about healthy living and prevention, it is a good time for us to go back to our roots and focus on our strengths and combine it with efficacy and science.

While giving the industrial remarks, Arvind Varchaswi, Chairman, AYUSH Committee, PHD Chamber mentioned about the Importance of AYUSH system and how the system has played a significant role in various ways. He said the entire AYUSH system has been important during the last few years. Varchaswi gave a detail of Ayurvedic market scenario and the growth rate of almost 16.04% CAGR globally. He said there’s a time to ramp up and bring in new technology and research in development of the entire AYUSH system. He also requested the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India to assist the industry and promote the AYUSH system across the world.

Saurabh Sanyal, Secretary General, PHD Chamber gave a formal vote of thanks to all the eminent Panelists and all delegates for joining the webinar. Sanyal mentioned there’s a huge scope and demand of Ayurveda products in the coming years. Ayurveda has also played a significant role in treating various diseases in the past and has a huge scope in the future.

The webinar was sponsored by Association of Manufacturers of Ayurvedic Medicines (AMAM) and attended by more than 70 delegates.

AyurvedaAYUSH CommitteeDr Manoj NesariPHD Chamber of Commerce & IndustryPublic Health DeliveryWebinar
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  • Jeruth R Marak

    Make India Home of Aurveda lets Indian make ourself for the habit of using this natural products and uses as life style and built the health of the nation and make India superpower.