LANXESS has achieved top positions in several sustainability ratings. In the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) Europe, the specialty chemicals company ranked first in the “Chemicals” category with 79 out of 100 points. In the DJSI World, LANXESS achieved 4th place and scored well in the areas of climate strategy, water, corporate ethics, human rights and product stewardship.
In November, rating agency MSCI ESG confirmed LANXESS’ AA rating for the fourth year in a row. MSCI ESG assesses how well companies manage environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks.
Also in November, rating agency ISS ESG raised LANXESS’ rating from B- to B on a scale of A+ to D-, while at the same time confirming the company’s prime status. ISS ESG takes into account around 100 indicators per industry.
In addition, LANXESS received a gold-level sustainability rating from EcoVadis. This distinction is awarded to the top 5 per cent of the more than 100,000 companies evaluated by EcoVadis. The EcoVadis rating is used by companies to assess the sustainability performance of business partners.