Lupin launches first generic of Pred Forte in the US

Lupin has commenced shipment with a 180-day CGT exclusivity

Lupin announced the launch of the first generic version of Pred Forte (Prednisolone Acetate) Ophthalmic Suspension USP, 1 per cent in the United States. Being the first generic to be approved and launched, the company is entitled to 180-day competitive generic therapy (CGT) exclusivity.

Prednisolone Acetate Ophthalmic Suspension USP, 1 per cent is a generic equivalent of Pred Forte Ophthalmic Suspension, 1 per cent of AbbVie, and is indicated for the treatment of steroid-responsive inflammation of the palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva, cornea, and anterior segment of the globe. Pred Forte had estimated annual sales of $198 million in the US (IQVIA MAT August 2024). 

competitive generic therapyLupinPred ForteUSA
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