Zetasizer APS allows the production of large amounts of high quality DLS data with no user intervention to maximize productivity in busy protein laboratories. The data display capability enables the operator to easily retrieve results of interest, without having to manually scan through all measurements. Additionally, a new plate navigator feature acts as a data mapping tool, allowing for rapid screening of results to retrieve the information of most interest and the subsequent in-depth investigation of any single data set.
Setup and operation of the Zetasizer APS is straightforward and cleaning protocols ensure that no cross contamination occurs. The separate temperature controls of the plate holder and the measurement cell allow the Zetasizer APS to be used to maintain the protein samples in optimal condition until measurement. In addition, thermal trend measurements between 2°C to 90°C with 0.1°C degree precision can be defined. The plate scheduler allows the user to graphically set up size and thermal trend measurements of various samples from the same plate using a variety of different SOPs.
Contact Details:
Stuart Wakefield
Malvern Aimil Instruments
Naimex House
BSEL Tech Park
B Wing – 906 Sector 30A
Opp Vashi Railway Station
Vashi, Navi Mumbai – 400705
Tel: (022) 39183596
Fax: (022) 39183562
Email: Stuart.Wakefield@malvern.com
Website: www.malvern.com