Kinetex Biphenyl columns deliver all the benefits inherent with Phenomenex’s Core-Shell Technology including better resolution, higher efficiency, sharper peaks, and greater sensitivity than traditional HPLC/UHPLC media. In addition to 100 per cent aqueous stability and enhanced polar basic selectivity, the Kinetex 2.6 µm Biphenyl offers the greatest versatility for HPLC/UHPLC methods while the Kinetex 5 µm Biphenyl offers excellent HPLC performance at extremely low backpressures. Kinetex Biphenyl is initially available in 2.6µm and 5µm with a 1.7µm option expected next.
Contact Details:
Raj Kiran CH
Mktg Communication Associate
Phenomenex India
Laxmi Cyber City, Gr. Floor, ‘B’ Block
Survey no: 10, Kondapur
Hyderabad – 500 084
Tel: (040) 3012 2400
Fax: (040) 3012 2411