Rupee’s fall from grace: A blessing in disguise?

How will the falling Rupee impact Indian pharma Inc? While some feel it’s an unmitigated disaster, others call it a blessing in disguise. It’s bag of mixed opinions, finds Usha Sharma

‘Companies need to proactively hedge their risks and minimise impact on their earnings’

‘Exports will encash the benefit’

‘The rupee depreciation has happened at the wrong time for the pharma industry’

‘Rupee depreciation is expected to increase manufacturing costs’

‘The depreciation of the rupee is a pointer to the imbalance in the countries’

‘Government should look to effectively promoting alternative ancient Indian medical therapies’

‘Exact impact can be understood in times to come’

‘Company should try to free themselves from forex debt and should not hedged future revenues’

‘Indian pharma companies are likely to halt their expansion plans and may wait to execute overseas plans’


The depreciating rupee is like to have many repercussions however, the pharma industry feels that there are definitely some silver linings in the hovering dark cloud. Quite a few Indian pharma players believe that the adversity can be turned around into an opportunity if a suitable strategy is put into place.

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