Sanofi Pasteur launches Tetraxim, DTaP-IPV booster vaccine in India

Tetraxim is a 4-in-1 booster vaccine distributed in more than 100 countries, informs the company
Sanofi Pasteur launches Tetraxim, DTaP-IPV booster vaccine in India

Sanofi Pasteur India announced the launch of Tetraxim (DTaP-IPV). The booster vaccine is indicated for preschoolers and provides protection against four major diseases – diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and polio. “Tetraxim combines four vaccines into one, thus reducing the number of injections, increasing comfort and improving vaccination compliance for children and reducing parental anxiety,” informed a statement from the company.

“With Tetraxim, Sanofi Pasteur currently protects school children in more than 100 countries, with 63 million doses distributed worldwide,” informed the statement.

Annapurna Das, Country Head, India, Sanofi Pasteur said, “Booster vaccines are designed to boost the immunity acquired during prior vaccination. It works as a reminder for a child’s immune system and can also stop the spread of infection to their siblings and grandparents, making it important to maintain vaccination schedules of preschoolers.”

The Indian Academy of Pediatrics, an association of Indian paediatricians, recommends full-dose DTaP for preschoolers.

diphtheriaDTaP-IPV booster vaccinepertussispolioSanofi PasteurtetanusTetraxim
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