USFDA gives tentative approval to Lupin’s Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine tablets

The tablets are used to treat HIV infection
USFDA gives tentative approval to Lupin’s Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine tablets

The United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has given tentative approval to Lupin for its Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine tablets, 50 mg/25 mg, to market a generic equivalent of Juluca tablets, 50 mg/25 mg of ViiV Healthcare, a statement from the company notified yesterday.

The tablets are used to treat HIV infection.


Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine tabletsHIV treatment tabletsJuluca tabletsLupinUSFDA tentative approval
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