ZIM Labs in exclusive licensing agreement with Hypera Pharma for Vitamin D3 orally dispersible films

The product is intended for bone health in infants and the elderly
ZIM Labs in exclusive licensing agreement with Hypera Pharma for Vitamin D3 orally dispersible films

Zim Laboratories has signed an exclusive licensing agreement for their Vitamin D3 orally dispersible film with Brazil-based Hypera Pharma Group. The agreement covers the exclusive marketing of Vitamin D3 in a novel oral thin film (OTF) platform with ZIM Laboratories’ patented technology.

According to the agreement, ZIM Laboratories will license the developed product to COSMED for importing and marketing under Hypera Pharma’s existing flagship brand ADDERA D3 by the name ADDERA D3 FLASH. In its OTF form, the product is intended for bone health in infants and the elderly.

“This unique delivery system, developed by ZIM Laboratories’ patented OTF technology, will address the unserved medical needs of physicians and patients to enhance patient-adherence and convenience. Moreover, it will be preferred by the regulators for its unique features,” informed the company in a statement.

Commenting on the development, Dr Anwar Daud, Chairman & MD, ZIM Laboratories said, “I am very happy that our patented OTF technology is getting global recognition and acceptance. The exclusive licensing agreement with Hypera Pharma Group is a step towards ZIM Laboratories’ global aspirations of becoming a preferred partner globally for new drug delivery systems.”

ADDERA D3 FLASHbone healthDr Anwar Daudexclusive licensing agreementHypera Pharma Grouporally dispersible filmVitamin D3ZIm Laboratories
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