Express Pharma

Dr Chidambaram Mandan, Assistant Vice President – R&D, Hindustan Platinum | FDD Conclave 2022

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In this video:
Dr Chidambaram Mandan, Assistant Vice President – R&D, Hindustan Platinum
Topic: Precious Metal Catalysis: How to make your formulation business more viable with the aid of your own API

Key Highlights:
+ Backward integration would help in time and money savings for any drug formulator and Hindustan Platinum will always be available to help them

+ Heterogeneous catalysis as a science includes defining how the catalyst synthesis method influences the physical and chemical properties of a catalyst and how such influences catalyst performance

+ Precious metal-based catalysts must be selected considering the characteristics like physical nature of support, chemical properties of supports and properties of metal salts

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1 Comment
  1. soundos says

    thank you for providing such a wonderfull article

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