Express Pharma

Gujarat launches a web portal for cosmetics licensing

Through this web portal, the recognised manufacturers in the state will be able to do all work related to licensing and manufacturing online

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Health Minister Rushikesh Patel has launched launch a web portal for cosmetics licensing online in Gujarat.

At present, there are about 826 firms manufacturing cosmetic products like creams, hair oil, lotion, shampoo etc in Gujarat. These manufacturing firms are given various types of certificates like GMP, free-sell etc.

The Food and Drug Administration and NIC have created a web portal called to enable the above operations online.

Through this web portal, the recognised manufacturers in the state will be able to do all work related to licensing and manufacturing, (product license) as well as obtain various certificates online and pay the required fee for this application through the online cyber treasury.

With the help of this portal, applicants can send e-mails/sms. This will allow them to be notified immediately of their approved application and they will be able to print it from their place of residence through a QR code.

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