Express Pharma

Ideal Cures receives EXCiPACT certification for 3rd manufacturing site


Leads trend for EXCiPACT certification among excipient makers in India

Mumbai-headquartered Ideal Cures received its third EXCiPACT certificate for its manufacturing site located at Vasai. The plant at Vasai is the main manufacturing facility of the company and has received EXCiPACT certification for film coating materials (INSTACOAT, INSTANUTE, INSTASPRAY, and INSTAMASK) and extended cooling boosters (ECOCOOL). With receipt of this third certificate all manufacturing plants of Ideal Cures, located in India at Vasai, Jammu and Khambhat, are now EXCiPACT certified.

Speaking about the news, Suresh Pareek, Managing Director, Ideal Cures said “I am very happy and proud to say that Ideal Cures becomes a trendsetter by being the first Indian company to receive EXCiPACT certification for all its manufacturing plants. The receipt of EXCiPACT certificate indicates that GMP standards are followed for manufacturing of high quality excipients. Many other Indian excipient manufacturers will follow this trend of acquiring EXCiPACT certification, causing overall improvement in manufacturing standards and capability of India which will eventually contribute to the ‘Make in India’ dream of our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.”

He further added, “All this has been made possible because of the dedication and hard work of our team. The EXCiPACT certification has set a bar for us to provide best quality products and technical services to our customers worldwide.”

EU, US and pharmaceutical excipient regulations of other countries, currently require drug manufacturers to either do their own audits or rely on third party audits of all of their starting material suppliers to demonstrate GMP and/or GDP compliance. EXCiPACT is a high quality, voluntary international scheme that provides independent third party certification to manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of pharmaceutical excipients worldwide.

All EXCiPACT approved certifying bodies and their auditors have had to undergo a rigorous assessment process in order to become EXCiPACT registered and to provide certification.

Since the certification is international in nature, in the long run it will be a boon to the excipient manufacturers and suppliers. Ideal Cures hopes to gain added trust of customers with the addition of third EXCiPACT certification in its basket of achievements.

Ideal Cures is an Indian company with international presence in more than 40 countries having its subsidiary company Ideal Cures Europe SRL, Europe and has three cGMP manufacturing plants. Ideal Cures, is an ISO 9001:2008, WHO GMP certified company and maintains US type IV drug master files for all its products. The company has 10 granted Indian patents and 10 pending applications.

Ideal Cures has spent a decade in its relentless pursuit of excellence in finding customised excipients and coating solutions for solid dosage forms, from ready to use film coating systems of INSTACOAT, INSTANUTE, INSTASPRAY and INSTAMASK brand, modified release technologies- INSTAMODEL blend, NDDS and Acrylic Pharma Polymers of ECOPOL L30 D55, ECOPOL L100 and ECOPOL S100 to, Ecocool Extended Cooling Boosters – ECOCOOL and Neutral Spheres- ESPHERES.

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