Express Pharma

IPA launches a digital campaign to ensure uninterrupted medicines supply during COVID-19 pandemic

The campaign, called Mission Medicine- Delivering Life, aims to bring to light the human stories of the contributions made by people engaged in the pharma sector amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown

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Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA), that represents 25 research-based pharmaceutical companies in India, announced the launch of their digital campaign ‘Mission Medicine- Delivering Life’. The campaign aims to bring to light the human stories of the contributions made by people engaged in the pharma sector amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown.

COVID-19 has posed unforeseen challenges to countries across the world. Despite the challenges, there are several people who, at a great risk to their lives, have been working determinedly to arrest the spread of the virus. ‘Mission Medicine- Delivering Life’ highlights the role of people who have been engaged in ensuring an uninterrupted supply of medicines. Narrated through a series of videos, the stories shed light on the challenges faced by the pharma employees – right from manufacturers to logisticians and pharmacists as a result of the lockdown. The campaign emphasizes the pharma industry’s commitment to patient-centricity and accessibility.

Satish Reddy, President, Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA) says, “The COVID -19 pandemic has thrown unprecedented challenges at us. However, I believe that it has also given the pharmaceutical industry, an opportunity to rise to the occasion and to ensure the supply of quality medicines uninterruptedly to people across the world. The entire supply chain of the pharmaceutical industry has been continuously working to provide medicines during the lockdown period and beyond. Notably, in these difficult times, India has supplied millions of doses of HCQ to almost 55 countries, which shows our industry and its people’s commitment. Through this campaign, we would like to recognize the contribution of all those involved in the supply of medicines.”

Sudarshan Jain, Secretary General, Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA) added, “Through the campaign, we want to communicate the commitment of the industry and those involved to brave odds and ensure an uninterrupted supply of all medicines so that people continue with their ongoing medication; not only in India but for the world as well.”

India, as the pharmacy of the world, supplies medicines to many countries across the world, including US and UK. While the global lockdown caused disruption to the supply chains, the Indian pharma industry toiled hard to ensure adequate supply of raw materials to assure stockpile of medicines to meet the domestic and export demand.

The campaign, stitched together by the creative team of D Yellow Elephant, focuses on bringing to fore the contribution of those who ensure the regular supply of medicines even in the toughest of times, such as during this pandemic.

Daniel David, Creative Director, D Yellow Elephant, adds that to creatively bring alive the role of the Indian pharmaceutical industry in ensuring accessibility to quality medicines, “It seemed only natural to step into our own homes and ponder over the role of that little medicine box that, technically, is used to only store medicines. However, the key idea was to metaphorically associate that little box to a greater reflection of the deep-seated sentiments of care, concern and love in the Indian family.”

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