Express Pharma

Is you LC system completely backward compatible & future ready for next generation columns?

Prime LC – a perfect partner for productive Pharma analysis

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With continuously evolving technological platforms in analytical LC and modernization initiatives from Pharmacopoeia bodies, it is imperative to have next generation of analytical systems like UHPLC and supporting chemistries that helps achieve scientific & business goals of Pharmaceutical industries.

With rapid Pharmacopeial modernization, are following important points been addressed?

  •  Is your current generation standard LC, compatible to adopt next generation columns?
  •  Can your LC emulate same method and separation that of any known make LC?
  •  Is your LC system capable of handing multiple columns & choice of solvents for fully automated method   development and method transfer to any make of HPLC without compromising separation of analytes?

You can watch the Agilent 1260 Infinity II Prime LC in a Nutshell Product Overview Video by clicking below link

1260 Prime LC Video | Agilent

To know more, download the following Pharmaceutical Application notes.

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