Express Pharma

ISCR to hold its 12th Annual Conference in Delhi from February 14-16, 2019


The focus will be on various clinical trial reforms towards building a future research enterprise and discussions on emerging research opportunities in India

The Indian Society for Clinical Research (ISCR) with its 12th annual conference in New Delhi aims to bring the clinical research community together to learn, connect, and explore opportunities to drive excellence in clinical research. Based on the theme Clinical Research Advancing the Frontiers of Health, the two-day conference is expected to be attended by over 500 delegates from medical institutions, ethics committees, biopharmaceutical industry, government, patient organizations and clinical research organizations. Prof VK Paul, Member, NITI Aayog, Government of India, will deliver the Prof Ranjit Roy Chaudhury Oration on the inaugural day.

“Over the last few years, a lot has evolved and continues to evolve in the regulatory environment for clinical research in India. The focus of this year’s conference will be on how we bring all these reforms cohesively together to build the future research enterprise in the country and address research opportunities emerging in the new environment,” said Dr Chirag Trivedi, President, ISCR. “Given the growing rate of India’s disease burden, it is essential for us to expand clinical research to facilitate emergence of a solution to the existing health challenges of our country.” Currently, India has approximately 20 per cent of the world’s disease burden and yet does less than 1.3 per cent of global clinical research.

The conference on February 15 and 16 will feature two parallel tracks focusing on clinical operations and data management/biostatistics/medical writing. Prior to the annual conference, five pre-conference workshops have been scheduled on February 14 on Clinical Trial Disclosure and Data Transparency, Preparation of Scientific Research Publications,  Pharmacovigilance Obligations for MAHs in India, Inspection Readiness and Career Opportunities in Clinical Research.

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