Express Pharma

CSIR-IICT ties up with Cipla to develop anti-COVID-19 drug

Research on anti-viral drugs has been on throughout the world for long and many companies have developed molecule shaving anti-viral properties. But due to lack of demand, these molecules were not widely marketed, according to IICT sources

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Hyderabad-based CSIR – Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) has tied up with pharmaceutical giant Cipla to work on development of anti-viral drugs to contain COVID-19. Research on anti-viral drugs has been on throughout the world for long and many companies have developed molecule shaving anti-viral properties. But due to lack of demand, these molecules were not widely marketed, according to IICT sources.

However, the CSIR-IICT decided to work on three such molecules — remdesivir, favipiravir and baloxavir. Cipla urged the IICT director S Chandrasekhar to start work on these molecules on an immediate basis.

Quoting a top official of Cipla, the sources said Cipla would upscale the process on the basis of know-how given by CSIR-IICT.

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