Express Pharma

Ministry of AYUSH announces video-making competition

The participants can submit a video of not more than three minutes in Hindi and English languages on themes, which are in consonance with the main theme of this year’s Ayurveda Day -- “Har Din Har Ghar Ayurveda

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The Ministry of Ayush, in partnership with, is organising a short video-making competition as a part of the “Ayurveda Day 2022” celebrations. The participants can submit a video of not more than three minutes in Hindi and English languages on themes, which are in consonance with the main theme of this year’s Ayurveda Day — “Har Din Har Ghar Ayurveda.”

The themes for making the video are: Ayurveda in my day, Ayurveda in my kitchen, Ayurveda in my garden, Ayurveda in my farm and Ayurveda in my food/diet.

The three top winners will be selected from each theme i.e. a total of 15 winners will be awarded prizes ranging from Rs 75,000/- to Rs 25,000/-. The competition is open to all citizens/Indian Nationals above the age of 18 years and the last date of submission is 10th October, 2022. More details about the competition and the process of submitting the video can be obtained from

The Ministry of AYUSH had inaugurated the six-week long programme (12th September-23rd October) highlighting various themes and key events, with All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), New Delhi, as the nodal institute to execute these programmes. The programme will see participation from various stakeholders with the aim of 3Js – Jan Sandesh, Jan Bhagidari and Jan Aandolan. The Ministry of AYUSH celebrates Ayurveda Day every year on the occasion of Dhanwantari Jayanti (Dhanteras) since 2016. This year, it will be celebrated on 23rd October, 2022.

  1. sangram says

    Thanks For This Informative Content.

  2. soundos says

    Good article an excellent way to articulate. Keep it up

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