New Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 preparative LC columns
Maximize resolution and take your throughput to new levels
Think you have to sacrifice speed to obtain confident answers to everyday research questions? Think again. The new Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell120 preparative LC columns are designed to deliver:
- High speed and efficiency for labs where resolution and through put are key
- Excellent loadability for drug discovery
- Seamless scalability from sub-2 μm analytical to 4 μm prep
- Robustness and reliability with long column lifetimes
Packed with 4 μm superficially porous particles, InfinityLab Poroshell 120preparative LC columns provide the high-resolution separations you need to purify at your required amounts.
Save time from analytical to preparative with superficially porous particle technology
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