Express Pharma

Novartis India announces results for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2015


Recommends dividend of Rs 10 per equity share of Rs 5 each

The Board of Novartis India approved results for the quarter and financial year ended March 31, 2015 and recommended dividend of Rs 10 per equity share of Rs 5 each.

During the quarter ended March 31, 2015, total income from operations was Rs 207.6 crore in comparison to Rs 200.6 crore recorded in the previous corresponding quarter. The core business, pharmaceuticals, recorded total income from operations of Rs 144.4 crore in comparison to Rs 137.7 crore in the previous corresponding quarter. The generics business recorded total income from operations of Rs 10 crore as against Rs 7.4 crore in the previous corresponding quarter. OTC business registered total income from operations of Rs 28.6 crore as against Rs 34.5 crore in the previous corresponding period.

The animal health business registered total income from operations of Rs 24.6 crore during the period under review in comparison to Rs 21 crore in the previous corresponding quarter.

During the quarter under review profit from ordinary activities before tax was Rs 52.9 crore as against Rs 32.3 crore in the previous corresponding period while profit after tax stood at Rs 51.9 crore as against Rs 23.9 core in the previous corresponding period.

During 2014-15, total income from operations stood at Rs 873.4 crore in comparison to Rs 862.2 crore recorded in the previous corresponding period. During the year under review, our core business pharmaceuticals registered total income from operations of Rs 599.9 crore in comparison to Rs 580.6 crore in the previous corresponding period. The generics business recorded total income from operations of Rs 48.4 crore as against Rs 52.4 crore in the previous corresponding period. The OTC business registered total income from operations of Rs 129.4 crore as against Rs 125.5 crore in the previous corresponding period.

The animal health business recorded total income from operations of Rs 95.7 crore during the period under review while it registered Rs 103.7 crore in the prior corresponding period.

During the year under review profit from ordinary activities before tax stood at Rs 99.6 crore as against Rs 89.9 crore in the corresponding previous year while profit after tax stood at Rs 79.1 crore as against Rs 98.5 crore in the previous corresponding period.

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