Express Pharma

Pardigm4 launches flexFSTM for high throughput and resource-efficient management for lifesciences data in cloud

flexFS increases data agility and reduces the costs of working with large multi-omics and multiple imaging modalities data sets

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Paradigm4 has launched flexFSTM, its innovative, elastic cloud file system for flexible and more resource-efficient data storage and scalable computing, the company said in a statement.

It also said that flexFS increases data agility and reduces the costs of working with large multi-omics and multiple imaging modalities data sets. It delivers optimal performance for data staging, data migration and compute-intensive analytics and machine learning. flexFS serves up industry-leading aggregate throughput, which can materially reduce compute costs by lowering time-to-compute.

flexFS is easy-to-use, secure and cloud-portable. As a POSIX-compatible file system, flexFS automatically interoperates with the existing software, tools and processes. Each volume can be shared by thousands of hosts concurrently. The aggregate throughput of flexFS increases as the cluster size increases, whereas other solutions’ throughput may remain constant, added the statement.

It further mentioned that a usage-based cost structure makes flexFS less expensive and more efficient to deploy than solutions where the amount of storage must be provisioned upfront for the maximum usage mark. flexFS also has always-on encryption during transit and at rest, as well as an optional end-to-end encryption layer, ensuring that metadata and file block data are always secure.

While built as an independent module and standalone offering, flexFS is also integrated into Paradigm4’s lifescience solutions, the statement notified.

Speaking in this regard, Gary Planthaber, VP, Advanced Technology, Paradigm4, commented, “With flexFS, we’re leading the way with high-performance cloud infrastructure, transforming the daily pace of research and development for data scientists working with multi-modal highly dimensional data. Plus, we can help companies achieve more sustainable computing by reducing time-to-compute. Whether your company is just embarking on a digital transformation initiative or already cloud-native, flexFS is a resource-efficient and cost-effective way to manage and access cloud data storage, and we’re delighted to be bringing it to market.”

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