PCI to revamp Pharm D curriculum
Plans to release draft for comments and suggestions by the end of October 2020
The Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) is in the process of revamping the present Pharm D curriculum and aiming to release the draft curriculum for comments and suggestions by the end of October 2020.
Dr B Suresh, President, Pharmacy Council of India, commented, “In India, the Pharma D course was started in 2008 and presently there are more than 200 institutes offering the course. The majority of these institutes are located in the Southern states and less than 10 per cent of them are from Western India. Knowing the fact that besides India, our Pharm D course is a well-recognised programme in the US, Middle East, Canada, Australia and African countries as well, now the focus is on further strengthening the existing Pharma D course.”
Revealing proposed reforms in the Pharm D Course, he shared ideas/plans to;
a) Bring in the semester pattern
b) Introduce a choice based credit system
c) Start practical training, clinical posting in speciality hospitals for three months, whereas, the present curriculum gives only general subject training
d) Add newer topics in the revamped curriculum on therapies for example; use of vaccines, use of biological drugs etc.
e) Incorporate entrepreneurship training programmes
He added, “Besides this, there will be other cosmetic changes as well in the present curriculum which will be carried out keeping in mind of strengthening the present programme and benefitting Pharma D professionals.”
Commenting on the need to restructure Pharm D curriculum, Dr Suresh Saravdekar, Consultant- BHU and VC of Indian Pharmaceutical Association – Hospital Division, said, “Although there are several institutes in India which are offering the Pharm D courses, very few of them are associated with the hospitals for practical knowledge transformation and address Indian healthcare requirements. The present Pharm D course is a replica of the developed countries’ syllabus, there is a need to cater to requirements in the Indian context.”
He elaborated, “Besides revamping the current curriculum of Pharma D course, there is also a need to put a considerable amount of focus in creating suitable employment, which can be done in two ways namely, the public sector and the private sector.”
Speaking on the public sector, he stressed that presently there are four segments mainly community pharmacist, hospital pharmacist, drug regulations-FDA and education regulations and all of them are working in silos. “There is a need to bring all of them under one umbrella. And in each state, there should be one Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services, which should be assisted by four joint directorate- pharma services representing the above-mentioned sections.
For the private sector, he suggested, “In the case of the private sector which is following a self-regulated mechanism called NABL, I recommend that under the Clinical Establishment Act, the standard of pharmacy services in a hospital should be developed and accordingly posts can be created, to create employment for Pharm D professionals in the country.”
Commenting on the eligibility criteria, Suresh said, “Whatever, the eligibility criteria are set for the admission to a university degree will be applicable here as well. We are not making any changes to it. We are already in the process of designing /revamping the Pharma D curriculum and by the end of October will be able to make it available in the public domain for the suggestions and comments. However, we are aiming to get it approved by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) before the end of December this year.”
Ashokswamy Heroor, President, Karnataka State Registered Pharmacists Association (KSRPA) stated, “We have urged to the central government, along with PCI, and all others concerned authorities to restructure the Diploma course in Pharmacy as a 13+2 or 12+3 year study course. This will come to rescue of the pharmacists by rectifying the above-narrated anomalies with 15 years structure, the pharmacy education will be more effective. The requirement of 500 hours compulsory practical training may also be included as a part of the 15 years schooling. The requirement of 500 hours may be increased to 1000 hours, covering dispensing and cosmetics manufacturing activities etc.,”
He added, “Alternatively, we have also suggested that the D Pharm course may be restructured as of a 13+2 or 12+3 year study pattern. The compulsory industry training may be embedded in the final year’s study. New subjects like blood banking techniques, drug interaction reporting, clinical trial techniques, de-addiction procedures, computer basics, regulatory affairs and defending procedures in courts
consumer protection laws and the provisions of the Right to Information Act, Weights and Measures Act, Packaged Commodities Act, the Drugs Prices Control Order, E.C. Act, etc., may also be taught in the final year. This will not only upgrade the knowledge and provide greater job opportunities, but also help to reduce drug-related offences like selling spurious drugs etc. By adopting the 15 years system the pharmacy colleges will also benefit in many ways. There is no doubt that these reoriented systems will result in improving the quality of pharmacy education and uplift the profession of pharmacy. It will be appreciated by one and all. Hence, in the interest of all registered pharmacists, we urge all the concerned authorities to restructure the diploma study in Pharmacy as 13+2 years or as a 12+3 years course.”
What it will make difference?? PharmD is neither making any difference in Indian healthcare scenario and nor making any development of Pharmacy professionals. Even after a decade, jobs in Pharma segment is scarce.
International pharma exports marketing, dossier preparations, registrations procedures in various countries etc. should be a part of this programme. Because India is a major pharma exporting country in the world.
Huge scarcity of such executives in the industry.
My personal opnion is changing curryculum is good. But the recognition for Pharm.D graduate are less than 5 percentage. Please assure the government post for Pharm.D graduates atleast 5 post in every Medical college or government hospital. Attracting candidates for Pharm.D programme and boosting Pharmacy college economy status shouldnot be the agenda. Why stressing the name of Foreign countries?? First the job opportunity should be created in our country. Since we everyone love our country lets get a chance to serve our country. None can escape from the responsibilty by saying one should create their own opportunity. If PCI have introduced the Pharm.D course whether their work finished? I donot think so. If the PCI panel have any Pharm.D graduate?? Introducing semester system and giving internal marks for getting pass shouldnt be the aim. If possible please take statistics of Pharm.D graduate in India to know the current status before adopting new policy. The long six years is not needed to study the Pharm.D atleast the internship can be taken as experience. Why PCI is interested in giving approval for Pharm.D for management college. Anywhere in India no government college have Pharm.D course. Why? They kept entrance exam for Pharm.D. For what purpose ?just to attract people. Are the PCI panel is ready for a face to face talk with Pharm.D graduate. If the PCI can make decide the fee of Pharm.D please fix it for all college. And please ensure stipend for interns. Its a request.
Please assure the government jobs for PHARM.D graduate
yes. Pharm D has no good job opportunity at present in India. Though it is very effective and necessary for Indian pharmacy
Until or unless B Suresh will be as PCI President we don’t get value to a pharmacy courses, so we need change because 11 years already gone but still there is no government job for Pharm D students simple waste of time and money.
1. Introduce more topics into therapy.
2. Increase the hospital visiting or training programme schedule in 2nd to 5th year.
3. Incorporate entrepreneurship training programmes
4. Pharmadians need rocognisation… Even though it’s doctorate course we lack job opportunities…
If the leaders at the centre level dont do anything then the Pharmacist professional value is going down every year… The Govt. Has to give special status as the The professional deserves… And they should not put Pharma Graduates and above as Third Grade anymore.. Proper post in the govt. Organisation should me made!
Please assure the government jobs for PHARM.D graduate