Express Pharma

Providing a seamless sustainable alternative to Helium GC/MS carrier gas

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With increased price and pressure on the helium (He) market, laboratories are looking for a more sustainable alternative to helium and exploring the option of hydrogen (H2) carrier gas. The benefits of hydrogen in gas chromatography (GC) are widely accepted, as it can be generated in the lab in a cost-effective manner and produces fast chromatography and higher sample throughput.

Since hydrogen is a reactive gas, hydrogenation and de-chlorination reactions can and do occur in the mass spectrometer electron ionization (EI) source. These reactions can make applying hydrogen carrier gas to many applications difficult.

A newly designed extractor source for the Agilent 5977C Inert Plus GC/MSD and Agilent 7000D/E Inert Plus triple quadrupole GC/MS systems addresses these hydrogen-related issues and help improve performance with hydrogen carrier gas in GC/MS and GC/MS/MS.

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Allows for the use of Hydrogen Carrier Gas with better supply and reduced cost
  • Faster, shorter Separations
  • Reduces loss of sensitivity and spectral anomalies
  • Reduced source cleanings and maintenance

Discover more on the groundbreaking Agilent’s HydroInert Ion Source technology by downloading this technical overview

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    1 Comment
    1. soundos says

      I read your Blog. It is very informative. Thank you for sharing this

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