Express Pharma

PURIFY’22 – Chromatography Purification Conclave to be held in April

The conclave will take place at ITC, Kohenur, Hyderabad

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PURIFY’22 – Chromatography Purification Conclave is scheduled to be held on 7th April, 2022 in Hyderabad at ITC Kohenur.

Speakers at this conclave comprise some of the biggest names in chromatography – people who are otherwise hard to get in touch with. This will be a fantastic opportunity to meet the who’s who of chromatography purification and listen to them as they share experiences and anecdotes spanning over the course of their own vibrant careers.

It will be a great networking opportunity for pharmaceutical executives who will get a chance to rub shoulders with the key people at Nanghavi, Cytiva, Teledyne, YMC, Shimadzu, Buchi, Bio-Works, Nilsan Nishotech, Millennial Scientific, Chemito, Biotage, Daicel, Gopani and more, who are going to be in attendance and share with all, the tools and technologies that could empower the users with global advances.

If this doesn’t stir an interest, we’ve got more! PURIFY Conclaves are guided by its high profile and acclaimed Advisory Board Members who are drawn from the industry and actively participate in its build-up!

To make this event safe, hygienic and comfortable as possible, Custage Marketing Solutions LLP, Mumbai has booked the entire ballroom at the ITC Kohenur, Hyderabad for a very unique ambience laced in lavish comfort for all the attendees, speakers and sponsors.

This year’s event is set to scale grander heights and is also special because it will be the first of its kind conference for the pharmaceutical industry after a two-year break owing to the pandemic. The excitement and the enthusiasm for this conference is palpable, industry-wide.

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1 Comment
  1. Mohan Dhote says

    Pls send me link for the ragistration

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