Session by Suresh Pareek, MD, Ideal Cures
FDD Conclave 2021 | Day 1 | 16th December 2021 | 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM IST | Virtual Conference
In this video:
Session: Suresh Pareek, MD, Ideal Cures
Topic: Documented Solutions – How customers benefit from Ideal Cures
Key Highlights:
● Ideal Cures has been partnering with Express Pharma for the FDD Conclave since its inception
● As the pharma industry advances and progresses, Ideal Cures can be the ideal partner for all its coating needs
● INSTACOAT solutions, especially INSTACOAT 4G solution can ensure significant advantages in terms of time and cost savings
● INSTACOAT 4G gives 80% reduction in carbon emissions, thereby making it a more eco-friendly choice
● INSTACOAT 4G also reduces energy consumption costs by 80%