Express Pharma

SPJIMR launches programme for NGOs working in cancer care


The one-of-its-kind programme will cover four modules to be conducted over two days each in the month of May, August, November 2016 and January 2017

The SP Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR), a leading school of management, has launched a capacity building programme for community caregivers and NGOs working to support cancer patients and their families.

The one year ‘Organisational Development Programme’ is conceived, developed and delivered by SPJIMR’s Center for Education in Social Sector and will be supported by Novartis India. The one-of-its-kind programme will cover four modules to be conducted over two days each in the month of May, August, November 2016 and January 2017.

The programme was inaugurated at a formal function in the presence of the leadership team from SPJIMR, Novartis India, faculty members, doctors, NGOs, guests and the Director of the Tata Memorial Hospital and Professor and Chief of Head Neck Services, Dr Anil D’Cruz.

The inauguration was followed immediately by the first of the four two-day modules. The participants comprised 43 people representing 20 NGOs from seven states working for causes related to cancer care. The course will cover strategy formulation, resource mobilisation, finance, governance, advocacy skills, basic counselling skills, among others.

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