Express Pharma

Why choose Agilent GC-MS Technology?

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Agilent has led innovation and performance in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for over 40 years, from the first benchtop Agilent GC/MS through to the MS/MS-capable GC/Q-TOF dedicated to GC. The Agilent GC/MS family provides the efficiency, flexibility, and robust performance that modern analytical laboratories require when it comes to mass spectrometry analysis. GC/MS analyzers and libraries simplify the startup of your analysis and allow you to quickly set up a GC/MS method for your specific application

The Agilent 5977B single quadrupole GC/MSD offers users a versatile, cost-effective solution including the Agilent High Efficiency Source (HES) for the most challenging detection limit samples. The Agilent 7000D and 7010B GC/TQ systems give the ultimate in GC/MS/MS robustness, performance, and sensitivity for targeted analysis. The 7250 GC/Q-TOF offers users unprecedented flexibility from untargeted screening through to routine quantitation with low energy EI ionization capabilities coupled with high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) and MS/MS capabilities.

You can now trust Agilent not only with latest technology and application support but also provide Financial solutions to purchase this technology with easy payment plans.

With Agilent financial solutions we offer you:

  • Customized Solution
  • Flexible tenor
  • Attractive financial offer
  • Fixed and predictable cost
  • After lease tenor – Easy – upgradation of asset

Download the new Triple Quadrupole application compendium  and product Flyer.

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